Amber earrings. Still need fine tuning.Yeah, the paintings ain't working, at least not these days. So I'm making a switch to handmade jewelry! Yay! Why?
1. Not very many people buy paintings. Nearly everyone buys jewelry... and it's still art.
2. Wire bending is tedious and fun! And it's something I've messed around with for a long time.
3. It's a great excuse to have a bunch of amethyst around. And quartz. And fake Hematite. And other shiny things.
4. I still get to play with colors. That's kinda my whole deal so... check!
5. If I get bored with making a design, I can make a bunch of something else!
Still learning right now, but I should have some items available at my ArtFire Shop well before Thanksgiving.
- Mark
Yeah... fail. Materials I bought are too cheap. I can't sell what I've made. Boo.