Update 9/22/12: All watercolor and oil paintings are now posted in all their higher resolution glory. The results were, in fact, worth it. Yay!
The new site is active, and full! All my old paintings are back online. I know, right? I can't believe it myself. Now all I gotta do is get better images of them.
Here's the trick, most of my painting scans come from the turn of the century. Back then 1024x768 was a dream!
Dream I say!
The point is, most my files are pretty small. The good news is I have the original hi res (sort of) scans of (hopefully) all my old paintings, so I'm thinking about reprocessing them so they look better. 32 cd roms worth of scans to be specific. It's a lot of dull work but the results will be worth it?
We'll see how that goes. I also have more wood turning to do, more photos to take, and I want to set things up to sell stuff straight from here.
Time will tell, and my track record of keeping up a website is terrible!
Such is life.